Tuesday 28 April 2015


Hi Arthur, 
My name is Maris Barkingrowler, and I am new to the world, (almost 9 months old). 
I must say, in my short existence, I have learned a great many things from your posts, but I am seeking some additional explanations, if you could be so kind. Confusing to me is this riddle…
My lady two legs let me walk her down the road where I saw a chase chomp with a squirrel in its mouth! My first thought was WTF!? Is there some kind of rebellion going on that I am not aware of? 
I searched the interwebs, as fast as my paws would allow for an ATBA News flash, hoping for some clarity, and I couldn’t find anything. I was in shock since this was only two weeks after the announcement that the Airedale Rescue Society of Fort Erie was a fraud and a secret front for the “SquirCat Sausage Company.” (Which by the way has given me many nightmares. It was only yesterday my two legs woke me from a shaking, whimpering nightmare regarding this travesty!) 
Are you aware of a coup d’état between the Squirrels and the Chase Chomps? 
P.S. There is a creamsicle Chase Chomp outside my window right now taunting me. I may only be 9 months old, but I have an uncontrollable urge to play with it very, VERY, VERY vigorously! Is this normal???

Dear Maris:

You have been hereby appointed Major Maris BarkinGrowler in the Central Intelligence Airegency.  Thank you for your advance information.

As you are finding out, Squirrels and ChaseChomps are not to be trusted.  Oh, the ChaseChomp INSIDE your house can be domesticated, but still they cannot be trusted.  It's a good idea to remind even those entities that BACON can even be made from ChaseCho
mps (it won't taste too good, but it would still crunch very satisfyingly).

I thank you for the information and the photo:

The 2Legs sometimes say that "There is no honour among thieves."  I have no idea what that means.

But I do know that both Squirrels and ChaseChomps cannot be trusted, so it was inevitable that they would turn on each other.

Another of our undercover operatives saw a ChaseChomp reacting violently to a Squirrel who was ordering her around:

So we know that theirs is an uneasy and turbulent alliance (I have to say that I myself might hesitate taking on that bitch).

Soldier, you always, ALWAYS be on your guard:  If you ever see this near you, then run:

This is the one who has been foretold by Calvin Th'Airedale:  this is The Evil One who will come to usher in the BarkALotAlopalypse.

Those will be dark times.

As to the Creamsicle ChaseChomp:  be patient...your time will come.

Stay hungry, my young friend.


Arthur TheBad Airedale

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